
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson recently announced that Armenia has officially joined the Artemis Accords, becoming the 43rd nation to do so. The signing ceremony took place at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., with representatives from the U.S. State Department in attendance.

The Artemis Accords, which now include Armenia, are a set of principles aimed at promoting safe, transparent, and responsible exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. By signing these accords, Armenia has shown its commitment to advancing human knowledge and capability in space.

Armenia’s Minister of High-Tech Industry, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, signed the accords on behalf of the country. This move is not only expected to enhance Armenia’s technological capabilities but also inspire a new generation of Armenians to dream big and explore the universe.

The Artemis Accords were initially signed by the United States and seven other nations in 2020. These accords are based on the Outer Space Treaty and other agreements, emphasizing the peaceful use of space for humanity. More countries are anticipated to join the Artemis Accords in the future.

NASA’s Artemis campaign, which aims to return humans to the Moon and eventually send astronauts to Mars, will benefit from the commitments outlined in the Artemis Accords. The collaboration between signatory nations will support the safe and sustainable exploration of space.

As Armenia becomes the 43rd signatory of the Artemis Accords, the country is now part of a global community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of space exploration. This partnership signifies a significant step towards international cooperation in space exploration and scientific discovery.

For more information about the Artemis Accords and the latest updates, visit NASA’s official website. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the world of space exploration as new nations join forces to explore the cosmos together.