
Law enforcement agencies now have a new tool at their disposal for evidence collection, thanks to the updated Telegram wallet app. The app’s FAQ page now instructs law enforcement to submit requests via email for information disclosure, following careful review and cooperation on a case-by-case basis.

It’s important to note that while Telegram hosts the Wallet app, it is actually a separate entity developed as a crypto wallet within the Telegram ecosystem. This recent update aligns with other changes on the platform, such as restrictions for UK customers and the application for registration with the Financial Conduct Authority.

CEO Pavel Durov also announced a new policy where user IP addresses and phone numbers will be shared with authorities when required by law. This marks a significant shift from Telegram’s previous stance on privacy and cooperation with law enforcement. In addition to these changes, new moderation tools, including AI and human moderators, have been introduced to remove harmful content promptly.

These developments follow legal challenges faced by Durov in France regarding data practices and moderation policies on Telegram. Users are encouraged to report any illegal or inappropriate content for swift action by the platform.

Overall, these updates demonstrate Telegram’s commitment to enhancing privacy controls and cooperating with law enforcement when necessary. The platform continues to evolve to meet regulatory requirements and user expectations in the ever-changing landscape of digital communication.