The former deputy of Médoc Benoît Simian (La République en Marche then Libertés et territories) was sentenced, Thursday, June 23, to eight months in prison suspended for harassment of his ex-companion with whom he is in the process of divorce.

“In a few months, the prosecution had identified forty-one acts of harassment against his former companion,” says France Bleu. He was accused of more than forty malicious acts, “sometimes two or three times a day”, between July and November 2020 at their home in Ludon-Médoc, which he no longer had the enjoyment of since a restraining order. conciliation.

The former elected official, aged 39, has multiplied the comings and goings to go in particular to an outbuilding of the house transformed into a parliamentary office. He was also accused of having parked several times in front of the home, preventing his wife from going out, of having embarked on gardening and DIY work by cutting laurels or having beams and bags of large rocks or urinating on the lawn. He was also suspected of having bathed in the pool, before emptying it, through the hole in a cat flap. “It appears that these repeated acts were done with the intention of behaving as if he were still at home and to annoy” his wife, the court said in its judgment.

Another harassment investigation

Given these “perfectly constituted” acts of harassment, the Bordeaux Criminal Court also issued a new one-year contact ban, but did not follow the prosecution, which had requested, in addition to the suspended prison sentence , a three-year ineligibility sentence. The court did not accept this additional sentence, considering that “the facts were not committed within the framework of his parliamentary activity”. Mr. Simian will also have to pay 5,000 euros in moral damages and 1,200 euros in legal fees. He has ten days to appeal. In addition to this file, Mr. Simian is accused by an employee of having forced her to sleep in the same room as him and of having multiplied the intimate messages between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. The Bordeaux prosecutor’s office opened a investigation.

Candidate for his re-election in the 5th constituency of the Gironde without having been invested by the presidential majority, the dissident deputy was sharply eliminated in the first round of the legislative elections, collecting only 3.68% of the votes.