The integration enables traders make withdrawals and deposits more quickly, in addition to mitigate counterparty risk.
Crypto exchange Bitfinex is partnering with electronic asset infrastructure supplier Copper to attract institutional investors using its off-exchange settlement support.
Bitfinex said Tuesday it’s incorporated Copper’s”ClearLoop” settlement and draining system, which eliminates the requirement for institutional clients to maneuver digital tokens from a safe cold wallet in a market’s hot wallet.
“Our platform connection with Copper is forcing uptake of electronic token trading one of hedge fund and asset managers globally, changing how institutional clients participate with electronic Assets, by supplying market-leading trading and custody options,” said Paolo Ardoino, CTO in Bitfinex.
Bitfinex stated it’s collaborated with Zug-based infrastructure company Industry Synergy for”institutional benchmark cryptocurrency connectivity” and will be able to serve people who high-frequency trading firms searching for vulnerability to crypto.